Getting Testimonials From Customers has never been easier
Collect Video, Text, Twitter, Google My Business, Trustpilot,Facebook testimonials/reviews in minutes and embed videos/testimonials in your own website without any need for development or coding skills.
Lifetime access to Social Prf
Collect video, text, and Twitter testimonials all in one place
Unlimited video testimonials
Unlimited text testimonials
Unlimited Twitter testimonials
Lifetime access to Google My Business review imports (up to 50 reviews can be imported each month)
Generate a public 'Wall of Love' to increase trust and improve sales
Ad-free video embeds
Embed 'Wall of Love' in your own website easily without writing code yourself
Unlimited video download
Personalized testimonial landing page for each customer
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© 2020-2024 LTDHUB
Made with ❤ using Brizy Cloud, Usermaven, ContentStudio, Doran