5 users
No branding from MySignature
Generate email signatures for Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo, Thunderbird, and Office 365
All pro add-ons including email open and click tracking in Gmail
Signature management from the dashboard
Unlimited signature edits
All 11 templates and any future templates
Advanced signature customization
Signature banner gallery
Handwritten signature generator
Font signature generator
20 users
No branding from MySignature
Generate email signatures for Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo, Thunderbird, and Office 365
All pro add-ons including email open and click tracking in Gmail
Signature management from the dashboard
Unlimited signature edits
All 11 templates and any future templates
Advanced signature customization
Signature banner gallery
Handwritten signature generator
Font signature generator
100 users
No branding from MySignature
Agency Hub
Unlimited companies
Invite account admins with access levels
Allow clients to manage their companies
Generate email signatures for Gmail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo, Thunderbird, and Office 365
All pro add-ons including email open and click tracking in Gmail
Signature management from the dashboard
Unlimited signature edits
All 11 templates and any future templates
Advanced signature customization
Signature banner gallery
Handwritten signature generator
Font signature generator
Signing off with a simple “Best” can turn a curious prospect into a demotivated Liam Neeson. (“I won’t look for you, I won’t find you, and I won’t do business with you.”)
Avoid that fate with MySignature, a powerful tool for transforming your email signature into a digital business card that tracks clicks, opens, and more.
📧 Generate and customize gorgeous email signatures without breaking a sweat using dozens of eye-catching templates.
📣 Turn your sign-offs into a reliable marketing channel with links, buttons, and CTAs that gently push leads forward.
👀 MySignature’s built-in open and click tracking features let you see exactly which emails are thriving and which aren’t quite working.
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