Create documents that update themselves
Connect your data and apps to your documents without code. Automate the boring work.
Lifetime access to Livedocs
Quickest way to track revenue, churn, developer, web traffic, conversion, and other vitals
Automatic alerts via email/slack or embed your doc into Notion, Confluence, or webpage
Pick a template from our templates gallery, connect your accounts, and get started within seconds!
Bring in data from Stripe, Google Analytics, Mailchimp, Sgement, Google/FB Ads, Hubspot and more
LiveDocs Basic Plan grants you access to 10 Docs, learn more at
Stacking Instructions:
Purchasing 3 total codes grants access to LiveDocs Pro Plan
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© 2020-2024 LTDHUB
Made with ❤ using Brizy Cloud, Usermaven, ContentStudio, Doran