Butter Lifetime Deal: Host meetings people want to attend

If you're looking for information on the Butter Lifetime Deal and Review, you've come to the right place. The Butter Lifetime Deal was launched on AppSumo with a significant discount, and in this post, we'll share all the details of the deal. We'll cover what the lifetime deal entails, what features are included, and whether or not we think it's worth taking advantage of. By the end of this post, you'll have everything you need to know about the Butter Lifetime Deal so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it's right for you.

Run more engaging sessions. Get better outcomes.

Butter’s agenda planner, delightful interactions, and integrated collaboration tools let you run super-engaging workshops, trainings, and meetings—without juggling a million tools.





1 user(s)

Unlimited workspace members

Unlimited rooms

CheckNo time limits

CheckUnlimited group sessions

CheckUnlimited one-on-one sessions

Check90-minute cloud recording per user monthly

Check30 max participants per session

CheckYour logo in session

CheckFull workspace administration

CheckUnlimited room collaborators

CheckUnlimited co-facilitators

CheckAccess to team library

CheckPlan sessions together




2 user(s)

Unlimited workspace members

Unlimited rooms

CheckNo time limits

CheckUnlimited group sessions

CheckUnlimited one-on-one sessions

Check90-minute cloud recording per user monthly

Check30 max participants per session

CheckYour logo in session

CheckFull workspace administration

CheckUnlimited room collaborators

CheckUnlimited co-facilitators

CheckAccess to team library

CheckPlan sessions together




4+ user(s)

Unlimited workspace members

Unlimited rooms

CheckNo time limits

CheckUnlimited group sessions

CheckUnlimited one-on-one sessions

Check90-minute cloud recording per user monthly

Check30 max participants per session

CheckYour logo in session

CheckFull workspace administration

CheckUnlimited room collaborators

CheckUnlimited co-facilitators

CheckAccess to team library

CheckPlan sessions together


Add emojis, sound effects, polls, flashcards, and GIFs to make your meetings fun and engaging

Open tools like Miro, Mural, Google Docs, or YouTube during your video calls

Best for Course creators, Online coaches, Remote teams

Alternative to Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom



Use tools like Miro and Google Docs during meetings without leaving the platform.

Prepare breakout sessions for your meetings, complete with tasks and activities.

Way more fun than Zoom, way more organized, and natively more fully featured.


90 minutes of cloud recording per month is short.

Only 30 participants per group.

Needs API/webhooks.

Needs more templates for solopreneurs and their clients. Most templates are team-oriented.

Meet Butter

Plan, run, and recap interactive meetings and breakout sessions packed with engagement tools

Let's be real, most conferencing tools feel like they were only designed for stuffy board meetings. (Ironic, since we're all wearing sweatpants.)

So if you're looking to liven up your virtual check-ins, you'll need a tool that breaks the mold. Discover Butter, the video conferencing platform that'll actually have people excited to log on. 

Finger clickin' good:

🎉 Transform meetings into parties using emoji reactions, sound effects, polls, and other engagement boosters.

🤝 Collaborate easily with your team thanks to built-in integrations with Miro, Mural, and Google Docs.

📝 Boost productivity with Butter’s breakout sessions that bring tools, tasks, and activities into a single conferencing app.


The no-brainer lifetime deals from the digital world


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All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!